Last-minute Sakura
Every year I try to attend the DC Cherry Blossom Festival. The festival itself is a lot of fun, the trees are gorgeous, and it’s all-in-all a great thing to see. Coincidentally, a few of my friends put together a picnic (I brought some khichuri), my sister was visiting that weekend, and the weather was absolutely perfect.
Really, what more could you ask for? The only down-side was that the peak-bloom was the previous week, and there was just one small area that still had enough cherry blossoms in bloom. But hey, it was still worth it to enjoy everything else that day.
Took a few other photos, also:

And some of me and my sister posing with the flowers. …no, I’m not gonna post those ones.
Anyway, this was just a brief little update. Next week, I continue my Better Late than Never series with an update on Lunar: Silver Star Harmony for the PSP. KF
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Emotions have a way about them
They tangle up within us.
Sitting up, awake
Dawn not yet upon me
And in my mind,
I am driving your way.
But obligations tie me here
That bind me so away from my love.
And the anguish of distance
Is so hard to bear.